In this post we convert a power level from Watt to deciBel (dB).
Watt is an absolute unit of power. dB is a relative measure. In this case we consider a reference power Pref when converting Watt to dB. The input power Pw is referenced to this value when making the calculation.
🛜 Use this calculator to convert Watt to dBm. dBm stands for deciBel relative to one milliwatt (Note the ‘m’). Both Watt and dBm are absolute numbers.
- Power in Watt
- Reference Power in Watt
The tool will calculate the dB value
PdB is determined by the following formula:
PdB = 10*Log10 (Pw/ PR)
- PW is the power specified in Watt
- PR is the reference power in Watt
Example Calculation
The picture below shows the sound power level in dB vs the sound power level in Watt (W)

In this case PR = 10-12 Watt
- 1 Watt of power is equivalent to 120 dB
- 0.001 Watt of power is equivalent to 90 dB