Software-defined radio (SDR) is technology that helps to convert invisible Radio signals all around us into digital data. This data can be processed into meaningful information such as Audio or Video.
The difference between SDR and conventional radio hardware such as a FM radio receiver is that in SDR most of the processing is done in software while in conventional systems are almost entirely hardware-based.
Software implies flexibility and this is one of the main advantages of SDR compared with conventional radios. Because of this a SDR can be used to replace many different radios thereby making it smaller, compact and less expensive.
SDR has a growing number of applications – from Radio Astronomy to Wildlife Tracking. One of the most interesting applications is Education. It’s now easier than ever before to learn about practical RF, Wireless and Electrical Engineering using SDR.
This blog is about the growing world of SDR. We discuss SDR products, applications, software, hardware, tips, tools, tricks and more. This blog is for you if you’re a:
- Software person who wants to dabble with radio technology
- RF hobbyist or engineer who wants to understand SDR
- Technology enthusiast who wants a broad understanding of SDR technology and applications
Join us as we explore this growing and exciting field of Software-defined radio and feel free to write in with your thoughts, tips and suggestions.