RPM to m/min Calculator (with Formula and Examples)

This tool converts rotational speed, measured in revolutions per minute (RPM), to linear speed, expressed in meters per minute (m/min).


  • Either diameter or circumference
  • RPM

🔁 m/min to RPM


To convert from revolutions per minute (RPM) to meters per second (m/min), you need to know the diameter d of the circle the point is traveling around. The circumference C of a circle is calculated by:

C = π × d


  • π is approximately 3.14159,
  • d is the diameter of the circle.

The conversion from RPM to meters per second can be done using the following formula:

Meters per minute = RPM × π × d

Here’s how it works:

  • RPM is the rotational speed you want to convert
  • π × d gives the circumference in meters

Example Calculations

Consider a wheel with a diameter of 1 meter. If this wheel rotates at a speed of 200 RPM the linear speed of a point on the circumference of the wheel is approximately 628.32 meters per minute


Rotational Speed refers to the number of complete turns a rotating object makes per unit of time. It is commonly measured in revolutions per minute (RPM), indicating how many full rotations occur in one minute. This measurement is critical in understanding the dynamics of rotating machinery, such as engines, turbines, and wheels.

Linear Speed is the distance traveled by a point on the circumference of the rotating object along its path in a given period of time, typically measured in meters per second (m/s). Converting RPM to meters per second helps in understanding the relationship between the rotational motion of an object and its linear motion.

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