Baofeng UV-5R Not Transmitting (Easy Solutions!)

A couple of weeks ago I was having problems with my UV-5R – it was unable to transmit signals. After much research I was able to understand what was going on and find a solution. This post includes my research findings. This article has been organized to present some basic checks first. After that it … Read more

How Long is 90 Seconds?

90 seconds is equivalent to one and a half (1.5) minutes or one minute and 30 seconds. 90 Seconds Table Here’s a table converting 90 seconds into various units: Unit Value Milliseconds 90,000 ms Microseconds 90,000,000 µs Nanoseconds 90,000,000,000 ns Minutes 1.5 minutes Hours 0.025 hours Days 0.00104167 days Weeks 0.00014881 weeks Months (30 days) … Read more

Can Baofeng Radios be used as Scanners?

Yes, Baofeng radios can be used as scanners to some extent. Baofeng radios, such as the popular UV-5R model, are dual-band transceivers that can receive a wide range of frequencies, including VHF and UHF bands. They are capable of scanning these frequencies to listen to various communications, such as amateur radio, public safety, weather broadcasts, … Read more

GNSS and GPS Bandpass RF Filters: The Essential Guide

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and GPS have revolutionized the way we navigate and track positions, playing a crucial role in applications ranging from everyday smartphone navigation to critical infrastructure management. A key component in the efficient functioning of GNSS receivers is the GNSS bandpass RF (Radio Frequency) filter. These filters are essential for ensuring … Read more

How to improve ADS-B reception

How to Improve ADS-B

Automatic dependent surveillance–broadcast (ADS-B) technology enables aircraft to determine their position via satellite and periodically broadcast this location information. An ADS-B receiver system can be used to decode this broadcast signal to track airplanes. Now let’s take a look at the various components of an ADS-B station, why they matter, and how to make improvements. ADS-B Receiver … Read more