Lakh Rupees to USD Converter

This tool converts currency Indian Lakh Rupees to US Dollar equivalent Enter 🔁 USD to Lakh Rupees Formula US$ = (Number of Lakhs * 105)/(Exchange Rate) Where Exchange Rate is the number of Rupees (₹) to One US Dollar What is One Lakh? One Lakh is equal to 1,00,000 Example Calculations For an exchange rate … Read more

dB to Absolute Value Calculator

This tool converts deciBel (dB) to its equivalent Absolute Value. Formula To convert decibels (dB) to its equivalent Absolute Value, you can use the following formulas depending on whether you are dealing with power or amplitude: For Power When converting dB to a power ratio, use the formula: Absolute Value (Power Ratio)=10(dB/10) For Amplitude When converting dB … Read more

US$ Dollar to INR Crore Rupees Conversion Calculator

This tool converts currency USD to the equivalent amount in Indian Crores Enter 🔁 Crore to USD Formula Number of Crores = US$ * Exchange Rate / 107 Where Exchange Rate is the number of Rupees (₹) to One US Dollar One Crore is equal to 10,000,000 Example Calculations For an exchange rate of 84 … Read more

Crore Rupees to Canadian $ (CAD) Calculator

This tool converts currency Indian Crores to Canada Dollar equivalent Enter Formula CAD$ = (Number of Crores * 107)/(Exchange Rate) Where Exchange Rate is the number of Rupees (₹) to One Canadian Dollar The number One Crore is equal to 10,000,000 or one followed by seven zeros. Example Calculations For an exchange rate of 61 … Read more

dB to Magnitude Conversion Calculator

This tool converts deciBel (dB) to Magnitude. Enter the dB value and the tool will provide magnitude ratios of both the power and amplitude. Formula To convert decibels (dB) to magnitude, you can use the following formulas depending on whether you are dealing with power or amplitude: For Power When converting dB to a power … Read more