Calculate the Current Through a Resistor
This tool calculates the current (I) in Amperes. Enter the values of Formula I = V/R This is also known as Ohm’s law which states that the current through a conductor (I) with a …
This tool calculates the current (I) in Amperes. Enter the values of Formula I = V/R This is also known as Ohm’s law which states that the current through a conductor (I) with a …
This tool calculates the current through a voltage divider network consisting of any number of resistors. Enter Formula Using Ohm’s Law, the total current is given by Itotal = Vin/(R1+R2+R3+…) …
This Signal-to-Noise Ratio calculator converts signal and noise voltage levels to a dB ratio. To use this tool simply enter the levels and select the appropriate units. Formula SNR (dB) …
In many circuit applications there is a requirement for 5 Volt to 3.3 Volt level conversion. For example, a microcontroller may not be able to tolerate input voltages greater than …
This tool calculates the total power for a set of any number of resistors in parallel. Enter the Formula Rtotal = (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 +…. + 1/Rn)-1 P …