Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) Notch Filter
Quick Summary A DAB notch filter is used to suppress strong Digital Audio Broadcast signals in the VHF Band. These signals can cause radio receivers to saturate thereby preventing reception …
Quick Summary A DAB notch filter is used to suppress strong Digital Audio Broadcast signals in the VHF Band. These signals can cause radio receivers to saturate thereby preventing reception …
This tool converts currency Indian Crores to US Dollar equivalent Enter 🔁 USD to Crore Formula US$ = (Number of Crores * 107)/(Exchange Rate) Where Exchange Rate is the number …
In the United Kingdom – frequency use for Baofeng UV-5R and other two-way radios (as in the USA) is governed by regulations to ensure that transmissions do not interfere with …
In this post we provide a frequency list for the Baofeng UV-5R – a popular dual-band transceiver used by amateur radio enthusiasts. What is a frequency list? It is a …
This tool can be used to multiply any number of percentage values and determine a final value. It can be used to find the final value when a whole number …