ppm to Hz Calculator
This tool converts from crystal oscillator stability in terms of parts per million (ppm) to the equivalent frequency variation (Hz/kHz/MHz/GHz) 🔁 Hz to PPM Formula The frequency variation df on …
This tool converts from crystal oscillator stability in terms of parts per million (ppm) to the equivalent frequency variation (Hz/kHz/MHz/GHz) 🔁 Hz to PPM Formula The frequency variation df on …
This tool converts speed in meters per second (m/s) to revolutions per minute (rpm). In various fields such as engineering converting linear speed (like meters per second) to rotational speed …
Updated April 2022 A bias tee or Bias-T is one of the most useful Software-defined Radio (SDR) accessories you have likely never heard of. Low Noise Amplifiers are used to …
This tool calculates the Capacitor and Inductor values for a Bias T design. Enter the following: Formula The minimum value of Capacitance is C = 1/(2*π*f*Xc) The Inductance value is …
This tool converts speed in meters per minute to revolutions per minute. In various fields such as engineering converting linear speed (like meters per minute) to rotational speed (revolutions per …