dB to VSWR Calculator
This tool converts the Return Loss in dB to Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. VSWR to dB Formula VSWR = (1 + 10-RL/20)/(1 – 10-RL/20) Example Calculation A Return Loss of …
This tool converts the Return Loss in dB to Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. VSWR to dB Formula VSWR = (1 + 10-RL/20)/(1 – 10-RL/20) Example Calculation A Return Loss of …
This calculator converts V RMS (Root-mean-square) to its equivalent peak to peak Voltage 🔁 V peak to peak to V RMS Formula Vpp = (2√2)*VRMS
This calculator converts peak voltage to its equivalent root-mean-square (RMS) value 🔁 Volt RMS to Volt peak-to-peak Formula VRMS = Vpp/(2√2) or VRMS = Vp/(√2) Where Related Calculators
This tool converts Power in dBm to Volt Root-mean-square or VRMS The default impedance (Z) is 50 ohm, although you can change that to any value. Convert Volt RMS to …
My buddy Dave uses his Baofeng to receive NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) weather channels for timely updates on weather conditions. However, lately he has encountered some issues with …