This tool converts currency Million US Dollars ($) to its Indian Rupee (INR) equivalent
- Number of US Million Dollars
- Exchange Rate (number of rupees to one dollar)
- The calculator will find the equivalent in Rupees (you can also use the drop down menu to select Thousand โน, Lakh โน or Crore โน Rupees)
Rupees to Million USD
Indian Rupees โน = Number of Million $ * 106 * Exchange Rate
Where Exchange Rate is the number of Rupees (โน) to One US Dollar
Example Calculations
For an exchange rate of 84 Rupees to One Dollar,
- 1 Million US Dollars is equivalent to 8.4 Crore Rupees
- 200 Million US Dollars is equivalent to 1,680 Crore Rupees
- 1000 Million US Dollars is equal to 8,400 Crore Rs.
Understanding the Terms
Million Dollars
A million dollars (USD) is a common term used in financial transactions and economic discussions. One million dollars is written as $1,000,000.
Crore Rupees
In the Indian numbering system, a crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000) and is written as 1,00,00,000. This term is widely used in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan.