Running Total Calculator
This tool calculates the running total or cumulative sum of a series of numbers. Simply enter the sequence of numbers (positive or negative) in the first row. Each number should …
This tool calculates the running total or cumulative sum of a series of numbers. Simply enter the sequence of numbers (positive or negative) in the first row. Each number should …
This tool converts antenna frequency to its physical length. Calculator Enter the frequency of operation and the type of antenna (using the drop down menu) Wavelength to Frequency Formula λ …
This tool uses the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR to calculate the Return Loss in deciBel (dB). Calculator Return Loss to VSWR Formula Γ = (VSWR – 1)/(VSWR + 1) …
Return Loss is a measure of the amount of energy that is reflected back at a discontinuity in a Radio Frequency Circuit [1]. It is specified in dB. This calculator …
This tool calculates the Return loss in dB. It uses the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR to first calculate the reflection coefficient Γ. Γ is then used to calculate the …