Minutes to Hours Conversion Calculator (with Formula and Examples)

This tool converts minutes to hours in

  • Decimal
  • Hours and Minutes


Enter the number of minutes below


The formula to convert minutes to hours is simple:

Hours = Minutes/60

This formula works by dividing the total number of minutes by 60, since 60 minutes equals 1 hour. The result will give you the number of hours, and the remainder will be expressed as a decimal, which represents the fraction of an hour.


Converting minutes to hours is a common task in everyday life, especially when you’re tracking time, scheduling tasks, or planning events. While minutes give a precise measure of time, longer durations are often easier to understand in hours. Whether you’re calculating work hours, estimating travel time, or organizing your day, understanding how to convert minutes into hours is essential.

Example Conversions

Let’s look at a few examples to illustrate how to convert minutes to hours.

Example 1: Convert 180 Minutes to Hours

Use the calculator to see that 180 minutes equals 3 hours.

Example 2: Convert 90 Minutes to Hours

The calculator gives 1.5 hours

So, 90 minutes equals 1.5 hours, or 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Example 3: Convert 45 Minutes to Hours

45 minutes equals 0.75 hours, or 45 minutes.

When to Use Minutes to Hours Conversion

There are many scenarios where converting minutes to hours can be helpful:

  • Tracking Work Hours: If you’re an employee or manager, understanding the total time worked in hours and minutes is important for payroll or project tracking. For example, 450 minutes of work equals 7 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Scheduling Events: When planning meetings, appointments, or events, converting durations like 120 minutes into hours (which is 2 hours) makes it easier to visualize how long things will take.
  • Travel Time: Estimating travel durations is easier when time is expressed in hours and minutes. For instance, a 300-minute drive equals 5 hours.
  • Workout Duration: Fitness enthusiasts may want to track exercise time in hours, especially when summing up weekly totals. For example, if you work out for 45 minutes every day for a week, the total workout time is 5.25 hours.

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