dBm/Hz to dBW/Hz and Watt/Hz Conversion Calculator

This tool converts dBm/Hz to dBW/Hz and Watt/Hz.

Enter the value of dBm/Hz in the calculator below


P(dBW/Hz) = P(dBm/Hz) − 30

Example Calculations

  • -90 dBm/Hz is equivalent to -120 dBW/Hz

Understanding the Units


  • dBm (decibel-milliwatts): This unit measures the power level relative to one milliwatt (mW). The formula to convert power in milliwatts to dBm is: PdBm​=10*Log10​(PmW​)
  • Hz (Hertz): This unit measures frequency. When combined with dBm, dBm/Hz represents the power spectral density, which is the power per unit of frequency.


  • dBW (decibel-watts): This unit measures the power level relative to one watt (W). The formula to convert power in watts to dBW is: PdBW = 10*log10(PW)
  • Hz (Hertz): Similar to dBm/Hz, dBW/Hz represents the power spectral density in watts per unit of frequency.

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