dB to Watt per Square meter (W/m²) Calculator

This tool converts deciBel (dB) to W/m2 (W/m^2).

Enter the dB value and the tool will provide the equivalent value in W/m2

🔁 Watt per square meter to dB


I = Io *10(IdB/10)


  • Io = 1×10-12 W/m2 is the reference power
  • IdB is the deciBel value
  • I is the power measurement in W/m²

Io is the lowest sound intensity that a person with normal hearing can perceive at a frequency of 1000 Hz

Example Calculation

  • 20 dB converts to 1×10-10 W/m2
  • 10 dB converts to 10 pW/m2