Current through Voltage Divider Calculator

This tool calculates the current through a voltage divider network consisting of any number of resistors.


  • Voltage (Vin)
  • Resistance (R1, R2, R3, etc.)


Using Ohm’s Law, the total current is given by

Itotal = Vin/(R1+R2+R3+…)

Example Calculation

If R1= 1 ohm, R2 = 1.75 ohm, R3 = 2.25 ohm and Vin = 5 Volt, the total current is 1 Amp.

Calculating Current Through a Voltage Divider Network

A voltage divider is a circuit that divides input voltage into smaller voltages across two or more resistors in series. While it’s commonly used to calculate output voltage, you can also determine the current flowing through the entire network.

Key Concept

In a voltage divider network, the current through the resistors is the same because they are connected in series. The total current is determined by the total resistance and the input voltage.

The steps to calculate the current are:

1. Determine the Total Resistance

In a series circuit, the total resistance R_total is the sum of the individual resistances:

R_total = R1 + R2 + … + Rn

Where R_1, R_2, etc., are the resistances of the individual resistors in the divider.

2. Apply Ohm’s Law

Once you have the total resistance, use Ohm’s Law to calculate the total current:

I = V_in/R_total


  • I is the current through the circuit,
  • V_in is the input voltage across the entire resistor network,
  • R_total is the total resistance.

Important Considerations

  • The current is the same through each resistor in a series circuit.
  • Voltage dividers are typically used to reduce voltage rather than current, but knowing the current is essential for power calculations or when adding load resistors.

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