Use this calculator to convert dBm (deciBel referenced to 1 milliwatt) to ฮผW (Microwatt).
PuW = (10PdBm/10)*103
- PuW is the power in microwatt
- PdBm is the power in dBm
Example Calculations
- 0 dBm power is equivalent to 1000 microwatt
- -10 dBm power is equivalent to 10 microwatt
dBm (decibel-milliwatts) is a unit of power measurement that expresses the power level in decibels relative to 1 milliwatt (mW). It is commonly used in telecommunications, radio, and audio engineering to measure the power of signals.
- Reference Point: dBm is referenced to 1 milliwatt (mW). This means 0 dBm is equal to 1 mW of power.
- Logarithmic Scale: The dBm scale is logarithmic, making it convenient to represent a wide range of power levels. A logarithmic scale is useful because it compresses large ranges of values into a more manageable form.
A Microwatt (ยตW) is a unit of power equal to one millionth of a watt (W). It is commonly used to measure very small amounts of power, particularly in fields such as electronics, telecommunications, and medical devices.
A microwatt (ยตW) is a unit of power equal to one millionth of a watt. It is commonly used to measure very small amounts of power, especially in applications involving low-power electronics, sensors, and communication devices.
Definition and Conversion
1ย ยตW = 0.000001ย W = 10โ6ย Watt